Hello! Here is who I am & what I do

I’m a biomedical data analyst and data scientist, welcome to my personal blog to keep track of my projects and personal journey towards biomedical data analysis.

I’m passionate about translating biomedical data into valuable and comprehensible knowledge that can provide a holistic view of biological systems.

I’m motivated to do research in metabolomics, genomics and other multi-omics. I believe that a multi-omics approach can uncover deeper biological context to disease-causing variants and accelerate our understanding of common disorders, unlock new pathways, biomarkers, and drug targets.

I have programming skills in Python, R, MATLAB, HTML, LaTex, etc. I am experienced in machine learning, data science, biostatistics, and bioinfomatics. My previous project also involved AWS, MPI, Docker, QIIME2, XCMS, CAMERA, PICRUSt, Karen, etc.